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Who, Where, and Why: Business-Driven Location Intelligence

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Speaker Ruslan Sultanov Product Marketing Manager

Ruslan enjoys helping telecom leaders accomplish their key objectives. He supports clients and partners in understanding the broad set of Precisely’s data integrity capabilities and how they can be leveraged within the context of existing systems. Managing the location intelligence and data portfolios, Ruslan’s expertise assists customers in building a more data-driven enterprise and finding success in the competitive telecom sector.

Who, Where, and Why: Business-Driven Location Intelligence 

Tuesday, April 23rd I 2:00PM ET


Look ten years back and you’ll find that working with location data required specialized tools, advanced systems, and expert users. All business-critical insights would stay within specialized departments, preventing businesses from using location intelligence more effectively. 

Luckily, location intelligence is not rocket science anymore and you simply can’t afford to stay in the dark – all research suggests your competitors are already making location data work for them. 

Gaining property insights, assessing risks, planning your real estate portfolio, and finding the right customers for your goods and services is easier than ever.  

In this webinar, you’ll learn about: 

  • The key reasons behind the boom of location data and why now is the perfect time for your business to become more location-driven 
  • How your internal and external stakeholders alike can consume spatial insights within existing business applications - regardless of their skill level and prior training 
  • Real examples of various users and organizations gaining value from location-based insights in the live demonstration 

Join this session to get started and make location data work for your business! 
