2024 Calendar
2025 Calendar
TechTalk Daily
Virtual Events
Technology Innovation

Virtual Commercial IT, Orlando FL

On demand
  • Speaker Zoe Lindsey Security Strategist

    Security Awareness

  • Speaker Caroline Seymour Vice President of Product Marketing

    Achieving an Uninterrupted Business with the Zerto Platform

  • Speaker Steve Yen Founder

    Why Couchbase

Interact & Network LIVE Wherever You Are

Tuesday, January 26, 2021, 2:00-4:00 PM ET


With recent nationwide work-from-home initiatives, we understand it's not business as usual -- but you still need to do business. So TechTalk Summits is taking our events to a whole new level -- virtual and interactive.

Virtual Commercial IT, live interactive online events bring presentations from IT innovators to your desktop -- or wherever you are. Share and discuss content from mixed media -- from live web cameras and video, to presentations and linked content.

You’ll get the full benefits of our live regional roadshow events – what TechTalk is known for – networking while learning about the most cutting edge technologies in a live environment. Meet and speak with our sponsors, the companies you need to know on the cutting edge of technology, get specific information for your applications and arrange follow-up.

Our events now feature market analysis from our strategic research partner, IDC, the global leader in market research and analysis. Following the event you’ll be granted access to its highly-valued CIO research package, “The five stages to enterprise recovery: How tech can help organizations flatten the curve to recovery".

After sponsor presentations join us as we pop a bottle of the vintage chosen by our resident sommelier, Rachel DeAmbrose, who will provide a brief tasting on the wine you’ll receive as a “thank you” for attending the event. Be sure to provide the best address to send your wine on the registration form.